Back to the dealer today to take back their USB stick.
I mentioned that I thought it had gone throught okay, but was still indicating the earlier version. A quick check with the dealer as to which versions were on the car, and which was on the USB stick resulted. We checked the dealer’s web portal, and again attempted to down load the laters version which was .157 The system told us that 157 was already on the USB stick.
I decided to retry on the vehicle. It correctly identified the USB data.

Then wanted to continue to do the install..

It then decided the USB map version was the same as the installed map version… We (dealer and I) decided that continuing would be a good plan.

It correctly starts to install…

I then head home… (apologies for out of focus image)…

System now shows that it has been updated today… but shows it still as Version .153 Note that the ‘last map update’ field is now filled in with today’s date.

Surprise surprise, the system then tells me there is a map update available.

I fear we are in a loop.
The dealer is at a loss as what the next step is … it isn’t really an issue they feel they can fix. Apparently raising a TA will end after the connectivity is proved (which we don’t have any question over). For myself, as the customer, this leaves me with a problem. I was told that the navigation updates ere ‘lifetime’ when the vehicle was purchased. Even if this turns out not to be the case, I should still be able to complete the process where the car can ‘log in’ to ‘’ and determine what updates can be offered, paid for or not. So, the current status is – the system does not work as intended.
Update: A little digging in the USB data and we do indeed find that the following XML is in there…
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″ standalone=”true”?><delivery:drmCatalog version=”1″ xmlns:ns3=”” xmlns:delivery=”″><drmEntry><mapCatalog version=”08.030.0070.0153″ locale=”en_GB” mosVersion=”″ unpackedsize=”16914528828″>
So, the data on the USB stick IS version .153
I did witness the download myself today – so it hasn’t downloaded what it said it had. It definately claimed to be V .157
The trip back revealed a re-occurance of two other issues… see next post.
Another 50 miles, two hours and two gallons of petrol wasted.